Application for Leave
Application for Promotion via Division Ranking
Application for Reclassification
Application for Resignation or Retirement
Borrowing of Textbooks, Reference and Instructional Materials
Distribution of Books and Supplies
Immediate Medication or First Aid Procedures to Students
Payment and Processing of School’s Financial Matters
Payment for the Mandatory Services and Repairs
Prepares Healthy and Economical Meals for Student and Teachers
Processing and evaluation of Teacher Applicant
Processing of Admission and Registration of Incoming Grade 7 Student
Processing of Admission for Other Grade Levels and Transferees
Procurement of Supplies and Materials
Recommendation of Repair, New Construction and Improvement of School Physical Facilities
Request of C.A.V. (Certification, Authentication and Verification) of Student Record
Request of Reproduction of Diploma or School Card
Request of Salary of Newly hired Teacher
Request of Student Record
Securing Study Privileges for Qualified Students